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How to Choose the Right Laptop?

Buying a new computer can be quite frustrating, especially for people who don't know much about them. Today, there is a wide variety of such products to choose from, so deciding on which one will be the best for us can be difficult. You also need to remember that computers cost a lot of money, so the choice must be wise. So what should we think about before we purchase a computer? Here are some useful tips.

1. What You Need It For?

The first thing you should do, before you even start looking for a laptop, is to make a list of the things you need it for. Some people want to use it just for browsing the internet, but others may need a very good device to play computer games or work. The main purpose of the laptop you are about to buy has a huge influence on the decision considering its type. That is why, you need to decide on which features of the device will be the most important for you.

2. How Much You Can Spend?

The search for the perfect laptop will be much easier if you decide on the budget at the very beginning. There are many different models of laptops available today, so setting the price range, may really help you to narrow down the list of the products. But remember to be realistic and do not consider getting laptop which is beyond the budget or buying it on installments. Imagine that after 2 or 3 years the computer may be outdated, but you won't be able to buy a new one because you will be still paying off the old one.

how to choose a good laptop

3. Which OS Do You Prefer?

While choosing the laptop, you should also decide on which operating system will suit you the most. Many people tend to get a computer with the OS they already know, as they are used to it, but you need to think carefully about all the pros and cons of each option. Mainly, there are three OSs, you can consider, and those are:

  • Windows - it is the most common OS, which is compatible with most softwares. It's a good choice for people who often use Microsoft Office products, and games' lovers, as Windows supports most of them.
  • Mac OS X - it can be used only on MacBooks, and it is recommended for people who produce music on their computers or edit photos.
  • Linux - it requires the most technical experience, its free, and comes in different variations. One of the most popular is Ubuntu.

4. What Size Suit Your Needs?

There are many different sizes of laptops, so you have a chance of getting the one which will suit your needs best. Some people prefer computers with big screens, as they work on laptop and that makes it easier. However, many users want to get as small computer as possible. That way, it isn't too heavy and they can travel with it more comfortably.

5. Check the Specifications

Specifications can tell you a lot about the laptop and the way it will perform. That is why, it's essential to check all the information about certain computer, as two similar models can differ a lot.

Of course, not everyone knows what all of the specifications means. If you are not sure which of them are the most important for you, get an advice from friends or relatives, or simply ask employees at the store for help.



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